Stream Dreams

Stream Dreams
Noise noise noise

Hi, friends!

It has been a while. But here we are again, your favourite weird and noisy instrumental band. We still exist, still holding on, plugging away in our little niche making strange, loud, sometimes gloomy, always hopeful hypersonics.

We come to you now from our freshly redesigned newsletter infrastructure, and we have some pressing news to share. In short: a lot of lesser-heard 65daysofstatic music is going to be hitting the streaming services over the coming months. So buckle up!


Our last 'proper' album, replicr, 2019 was released five years ago. If you only follow 65daysofstatic casually, listening to us on streaming services and missing any of the comically-infrequent updates on our mostly dormant social media channels, then you most likely assumed we haven't released any new music since then.

But we have! If you are on this mailing list, there's a good chance that you are one of the mighty patrons who support or is at least aware of 65LABS, in which case you will know that we have actually put out literal hours of music since then, not even including the infinite music stream that is Wreckage Systems.

Since replicr, 2019, all the music we made was delivered via the 65LABS patreon channel, and our Bandcamp site. None of it went onto the various streaming services. This was a deliberate choice, because we liked the idea of maintaining this 'backchannel' for people who took a more active interest in what we do.

But when we look at the amount of people who apparently regularly listen to 65daysofstatic on streaming services compared to the amount of amazing supporters who visit our Bandcamp or got involved in 65LABS, it means that only somewhere between 0.3% and 2% of those listeners will have ever heard this any of this 'backchannel' music.

And as much as we have to admit we enjoy the contrariness of this, ultimately the point of us still being in this band and still making music is that we want to share it with as many people as possible. And so now we are going to.


We are beginning with two companion albums. A Year of Wreckage was a project that ran from May 2019 - May 2020. 12 EPs were released directly to Bandcamp, one a month. At the end, we released two albums which were 'best-of' compilations of distinct flavours of Wreckage: Utopian Frequencies is full of glitchy bangers and Disquiet is full of gnarly noise.

These records are coming to ALL STREAMING SERVICES (not just Sp***fy) this Friday, September 6th. And for the vast majority of people who listen to us there, this will be two brand new 65daysofstatic albums!

You can't pre-save them anywhere because we messed up the admin, but don't worry, we'll email again on Friday when they're out.

Disquiet & Utopian Frequencies

Back in 2020 we did a short run of really nice vinyl with embossed sleeves for each record which sold out extremely quickly. And so to celebrate their release-to-streaming, we have done a limited repress for anybody who missed out. They will be available to buy THIS FRIDAY when the albums hit the streams and will start shipping Monday 16th September. There will be a new Wreckage-flavoured limited-edition t-shirt design too. Tasty.


And why stop there? We have amassed a lot of music that we are very proud of that hasn't previously been available on streaming services. So we'll be putting out new (to most people) music every month for the rest of the year and into 2025. The schedule looks like this:


And what does that mean for all of you that have been part of this backchannel for the last few years? Well, you might have seen recently that, as of last month, we put 65LABS on pause. You can read more about that HERE if you like.

Essentially, it is because we want to make another one of those old-fashioned 'albums'. It is going to be a slow process and one not well suited to any kind of subscription-based model. The pressure of having 65LABS running in parallel was not conducive to getting anywhere on the album front. And so, for now at least, we're scaling back operations.

What we didn't realise when we paused the Patreon is that no new members can currently sign up to access the archive. And there's a lot of material in there! So that's something we're trying to figure out how to fix.

That's all for now. See you on Friday for the streaming release with all the details for the vinyl repress and new t-shirt.

